About Us

The VSOC is dedicated to the promotion and protection of Yamaha XV, Star, Stryker, Raider and Bolt Custom motorcycles, its owners and riders. We have an established network of nineteen regional centres across the UK. We are recognised by Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., branch UK (YMUK) and supported nationally by many Yamaha dealers. We are affiliated with the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) and Motorcycle Action Group (MAG).

The club has contact with almost 1000 members for the exchange of information and advice, ranging from insurance to touring.

We also have an active custom scene. Many qualifying bikes have extensively been customised, including custom paint designs and after-market parts and lighting.

Members are kept up to date on club activities, national news and regional events by our magazine “Clatter”.

Three annual rallies and other events are organised at various locations across the UK. The emphasis of all our gatherings is friendly camaraderie and enjoyment, regardless of age or gender.

The UK VSOC partners with the Yamaha Custom Club based in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Holland, Spain, Norway and Sweden. Every year one European country hosts an International rally, which provides an excellent opportunity to ride in larger groups and socialise abroad with our European partner clubs.

We very much look forward to meeting you and your ride.